Weight Loss Combo Flat 50% Off

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Weight Loss Combo

Weight Loss Combo Flat 50% Off

Weight Loss Combo Flat 50% Off

Use Code: COMBO50
Your Ultimate PCOD-Friendly Weight Loss Solution

mix of fiber, protein, and healthy fats, support weight loss and manage PCOD.

Clean, natural ingredients with no preservatives, artificial sweeteners, or added chemicals

Product Name Description
Steel Cut Oats High in fiber to keep you full longer and stabilize blood sugar levels. Cook with water/milk, top with fruits or seeds.
Multigrain Diet Muesli Packed with millets, seeds, and raw honey for fiber, protein, and a naturally sweet taste Enjoy with milk, yogurt, or fruits.
Quinoa Gluten-free, high-protein grain perfect for balancing insulin and promoting weight loss.Replace rice or use in bowls/salads.
5-In-1 Mix Seeds Pumpkin, sunflower, flax, watermelon, and chia for metabolism-boosting Omega-3s and fiber. Sprinkle on salads, smoothies, or oats.
Chia Seeds Rich in Omega-3 and fiber to reduce cravings and increase satiety. Soak for pudding or add to smoothies/drinks.
5 PM Crunch A savory snack mix of millets, peanuts, and jaggery for guilt-free snacking and better digestion. Perfect with tea or on-the-go.

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