
CrowdFarming Coupons & Deals

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Seasonal fruits delivered every month to your door


Seasonal Organic Fruits Delivered Monthly Fresh & Organic Choose Your...


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Seasonal Organic Fruits Delivered Monthly

Fresh & Organic

Choose Your Farmer • Organically Grown • Delivered to Your Doorstep

Enjoy a fresh selection of seasonal fruits every month!

🌿 Support sustainable agriculture.
🍊 Get eco-friendly, fresh fruit boxes.
📦 Hassle-free doorstep delivery!

*No pesticides, plastic-free packaging, and grown with care.

Great Deal

Organic blueberry bushes and enjoy a sustainable harvest!


Vorfreude auf die Heidelbeerernte Mit Adoption beginnen Adoptiere Bio-Heidelbeersträucher und...


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Vorfreude auf die Heidelbeerernte

Mit Adoption beginnen

Adoptiere Bio-Heidelbeersträucher und genieße eine nachhaltige Ernte!

Details zur Adoption:

  • Adoptiere zwei Bio-Heidelbeersträucher, angebaut seit 2006 nach EU-Richtlinien.
  • Sorten: Ventura, Emerald und Star – intensiver Geschmack, ausgezeichnete Textur.
  • Ernte: Ca. 8 kg Heidelbeeren pro Saison von zwei Sträuchern.
  • Bio-zertifiziert seit 2017, plastikfreie Verpackung.

Ernte und Lagerung:

  • Ernte zum optimalen Reifepunkt, frisch einen Tag vor dem Versand gepflückt.
  • Verpackung in 2 kg Kisten, ohne Plastik.
  • Bewahrung im Kühlschrank (5-6 °C), Verzehr innerhalb weniger Tage empfohlen.
  • Ungewaschen verzehrbar, vor dem Verzehr optional abspülen.

Heidelbeeren sind vielseitig einsetzbar – ob pur, in Salaten, Smoothies, Gebäck oder als Topping für Joghurt und Müsli.

Besonderheit: Jede Heidelbeere ist einzigartig – Größe und Aussehen variieren natürlich. Die weiße Schutzschicht ("Bloom") verlängert die Haltbarkeit im Kühlschrank.

Aktuell nicht verfügbar für den Versand nach Indien.

Great Deal

Buy Organic Oranges


Buy Organic Blood Oranges Directly From the Farmer Preserve Your...


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Buy Organic Blood Oranges

Directly From the Farmer

Preserve Your Harvest with Fresh Blood Oranges!

Available Varieties:

  • Tarocco (Early December - April): Orange flesh with red stripes, high vitamin C content, no seeds, balanced bittersweet taste, smooth skin, round shape, larger fruits.
  • Moro (Early January - February): Deep red pulp due to higher anthocyanins, balanced bittersweet taste, slightly wrinkled skin with red stripes, smaller fruits.

Certified organic since 2004, harvested to order, and shipped without waxes or plastic packaging.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place to keep fresh for up to 3 weeks.

Farmer: Danilo Magnano
Francofonte, Italy
Organically grown with ecosystem care, harvested on demand.

Currently not available for shipping to India.

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Crowd Farming Coupon Codes & Online Sale

As they embark on a new year, they shift concerns into motivation, championing a cause that transcends the provision of organic food; it’s about revolutionizing agriculture in Europe. It is dedicated to providing alternatives for individuals and the environment to access better food. Their sustainable purchasing model invites active participation in the farm-to-table journey. Whether adopting a tree, embracing an animal, or selecting a portion of a garden, you can directly engage with farmers and receive fresh, seasonal organic products tailored just for you. To make this model even more accessible, they offer exclusive CrowdFarming UK deals and special offers, extending this opportunity to a wider audience, including companies.

When you choose to adopt a tree, embrace an animal, or select a portion of a garden, you open the door to a delightful experience, receiving fresh, organic produce directly from their dedicated farmers. Transparency is their cornerstone; they empower you to make an informed choice by allowing you to select the specific farm you wish to support. This unique model puts a face to the farmer who passionately cultivates the food that nourishes you. As a gesture of appreciation for your commitment to sustainable practices, they introduce exclusive benefits through their CrowdFarming promo codes. These codes, accessible through their adoption programs, unlock special promotions, enriching your experience of supporting local farmers while enjoying the finest organic produce.

Their focus is not just on providing organic products but also on fostering a sense of community and sustainability. They offer Crowd Farming discount codes; the value lies in the direct connection between you and the farmer, eliminating intermediaries and ensuring fair compensation for their efforts.

They operate with a decentralized approach, connecting farmers and consumers across Europe. By adopting this model, they empower local farmers and reduce the carbon footprint associated with food transportation. Their commitment extends beyond borders, aiming to make agriculture synonymous with environmental respect, fair prices, and quality employment.

Their commitment transcends the mere transactional process of purchasing organic products. They actively combat food waste at its root through their adoption programs. By adopting a tree or a portion of a garden, you become a crucial contributor to the reduction of food waste, ensuring that crops are cultivated with the assurance of consumption. Emphasizing product-quality criteria over mere aesthetics, they actively contribute to building a more sustainable and responsible food supply chain. As a token of appreciation for your dedication to sustainable practices, they present exclusive benefits through their CrowdFarming UK voucher codes. These codes, accessible through their adoption programs, unlock special promotions, allowing you to enjoy the satisfaction of contributing to a waste-free food system while availing yourself of cost-effective access to premium organic products.

Their commitment to quality extends beyond the ordinary, fostering a direct and transparent relationship with farmers. When you adopt a farm or a specific portion, you not only embrace the essence of sustainability but also unlock exclusive benefits through their CrowdFarming coupon codes. These codes, designed to enhance the accessibility of their organic products, provide valuable promotions. By prioritizing product quality and eliminating intermediaries, they ensure that you receive premium organic goods cultivated with care and dedication. Their farmers, guided by stringent quality standards, avoid discarding “ugly fruit,” promoting a responsible and sustainable approach to agriculture.

Steps to utilize CrowdFarming Promotions Codes?

1. When visiting, you can commence shopping and place your preferred package into your shopping “Basket.”

2. Once you have finished your shopping, proceed to the “Checkout.”

3. On the shopping bag page, you will discover a designated box labelled “Coupon Code,” then paste your vouchers to apply the discount.

4. Once you have entered the code, choose “Apply.”

5. You can then proceed to the “checkout” and complete the payment process as usual.