Credit cards are convenient to use as it helps in avoiding cash as well as plan your expenses. However, if the credit card is lost, you may end up losing a lot of money. In case you lose the credit card, you must block it immediately before applying for another one.
Some of the steps that must be taken as soon as you receive the credit card are mentioned below:
Make a copy of the card
Note down the telephone number of the bank in case you need to contact them
Ensure that the information is kept away from your credit card
Risks of Losing the Credit Card
Some of the risks that are involved in case you lose the credit card are mentioned below:
Illegal activities
Misuse of your financial information
Identity theft
Fraudulent transactions under your name
Steps that Must be Taken Once the Card is Lost
Inform the Issuer – Almost all credit card issuers are available 24/7 to help assist you in case the credit card is stolen. You can check the billing statement or the internet to get the customer care number of the bank. All relevant documents must be kept in the case of any specific questions. Also make a note of the time, date, and the individual you have spoken to.
Provide Details via Mail – Apart from a verbal conversation, it is also recommended that you send an email to the issuer. Various details such as the time, place, and how the card was lost must be mentioned in the email.
Check your Statement for any Charges – Keep a note of your statement to make sure that there have been no fraudulent charges. In case there have been any charges, make a note of the same and inform the issuer.
Blocking A Credit Card
It is vital that you block your credit card immediately after misplacing it so that you do not incur any financial damage. Depending on the issuer, there may be different ways by which the card can be blocked. The different methods by which the credit card can be blocked are mentioned below:
Visit the nearest branch of the bank
On the mobile app
Internet banking
By sending an SMS
Calling customer care
Applying for a Credit Card
State Bank of India (SBI)
The different ways by which at SBI are mentioned below:
Calling SBI credit card customer care
By sending an email
Mobile App
On the official website
Internet Banking
The step-by-step to apply for a new SBI credit card on the official website is mentioned below:
Visit the official website of SBI.
Click on ‘Requests’.
Click on ‘Reissue/Replace Card’.
Click on ‘Submit’ to complete the process.
Mobile App
The process to apply for a new SBI credit card by using the mobile app is mentioned below:
Open the SBI mobile app and log in to your account.
Tap on ‘Menu’.
Select ‘Service Request’.
Select ‘Reissue/Replace Card’.
Click on ‘Submit’ to complete the process.
A charge of Rs.100 plus GST will be levied in the case of replacement/reissue. It may take up to 7 working days for you to receive the new card. Depending on your location, it may take more time. Once you have received the new card, you can activate by calling customer care, sending an email, or by visiting the official website of SBI.
The different ways by reissue the credit card are mentioned below:
Visiting the Branch
You can visit the nearest HDFC branch and submit the application form. The credit card will be sent to your mailing address.
Via Customer Care
You can call the HDFC bank’s customer care to apply for a new card. You will be able to register for a new card by speaking to a customer care executive. Once the request has been taken, the card will be sent to your registered mailing address.
Mobile App
The step-by-step procedure to apply for a new card on the Mobile App is mentioned below:
Download the HDFC App from the Play Store or the App Store.
Login to your account.
Click on ‘Menu’.
Select ‘Cards’.
Under the ‘Cards’ section, click on ‘Service Request’.
Select the ‘Card Number’ that should be replaced.
The card will be sent to your registered mobile number.
Net Banking
The process to apply for a new HDFC credit card via Net Banking is mentioned below:
Visit the official website of HDFC Bank.
Login to your account.
Click on ‘Cards’.
Under the ‘Service Request’ section, choose the card that must be replaced.
Once the request has been accepted, the card will be sent to your registered mailing address.
Depending on the bank, the charges that are levied for reissuing the card will. Usually, it may take up to seven working days for you to receive the new card. However, depending on the address, it may take longer.
FAQs on How to Apply for Lost Credit Card
How can I request a replacement credit card? If you discover that your credit card has been lost or stolen, contact your bank immediately to report the loss. You can also disable your card through your online banking app or through net banking. The bank will cancel the card and replace it with a new card that has a new account number, expiration date, and security code.
What happens if a missing credit card is used? If you report a lost or stolen credit card before using it, the card company will not hold you liable for any unauthorized charges.
Where do individuals go to report misplaced credit cards? Individuals should immediately contact the credit card lender if their credit card goes missing.
Will a replacement credit card have the same number as the original? No, when you request a replacement card, you will be given a new card number. As a result, unless you update your payment details, automatic bill payments with your old card number will be rejected.
Do I have to pay any fee to replace my missing credit card? No, you don’t have to pay any fee to replace your missing credit card.
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